The Moors Shoot-Out
Monday, August 25th 2014
The Moors Golf Club
$2,500 Skins Pot
Shop Payout for top 3 Teams
Payout Based on Minimum 25 Teams
2 Person Scramble
No Minimum Drive Stipulation
You Create Teams-Golf Shop Pairs Twosomes
Tee Times Starting 10:00 am
(Seniors 60+ & Women Play 1 Tee Up)
(Golf Shop Assigns Times but Takes Requests)
Includes Golf, Cart, Range & Lunch
Bring Your Bomber, Bring Your Ace
Pro’s & Amateurs Invited
(140/Player ($280/Team)
Contact: Adam Howe to Register
*This is NOT a GKGA event. Please contact Adam Howe for all information.